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The 6 secrets for a rejuvenating rest.

Quality sleep is vital for physical and mental health. Chronic lack of sleep increases the risks of almost all major diseases. According to the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), almost half of Spanish adults (48%) do not sleep well, and at least half have trouble falling asleep, while 32% wake up without feeling rested.

Prioritizing adequate rest can be crucial to prevent disease and promote well-being. Adopting practices to improve sleep can naturally increase energy, productivity and optimism.



Sleep studies reveal that moderate to vigorous exercise for 30 minutes at a time can significantly improve sleep quality and help you fall asleep faster. This exercise should raise the heart rate, which increases endorphins and core body temperature, stimulating the body. Therefore, some experts suggest exercising before dinner to optimize its effects. And in the morning, between 6 and 10 o'clock, is ideal for vigorous movements.


Be consistent with your daily routines

Establishing regular schedules informs your body when to produce key hormones for wakefulness, digestion, productivity and sleep. For example, waking up at the same time every day helps your body naturally release cortisol, while having a regular eating schedule stimulates hydrochloric acid production. The same goes for sleep: going to bed at the same time every night helps your body produce melatonin at the right time. Working with your body's natural intelligence through predictable routines for waking, moving, eating and sleeping can significantly improve your overall well-being.


Create your own digital sunset

It's crucial to turn off electronic devices before bed to avoid blue light, which negatively affects melatonin production and sleep. Studies show that blue light disrupts circadian rhythms more than green light. Turning off devices two hours before bedtime or wearing glasses that block blue light are effective measures to improve sleep quality.


Lower the temperature in your bedroom

A survey by the National Sleep Foundation reveals that a cool bedroom temperature is critical for good sleep . As we prepare for sleep, our body naturally lowers its core temperature. People with insomnia often have higher body temperatures before falling asleep.


Sleeping in a warm environment can interfere with the body's natural drop in temperature before sleep.


Keeping the room temperature between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius is optimal for restful sleep. In addition, taking a warm bath two hours before bedtime can help lower body temperature and improve sleep quality, according to scientific studies.


Let go of stress before bedtime

Bringing worries to bed can ruin sleep. Instead, practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, journaling, reading or yoga . You can also write down three positive things about the day, according to Martin Seligman, an expert in positive psychology. Shifting your focus to the positive can increase happiness and reduce depression. Make this a bedtime routine to improve your sleep.


Eat pistachios to sleep better

Pistachios can be a natural sleep aid. They contain phenolics that help convert tryptophan into melatonin, which can delay the onset, duration and quality of sleep. In addition, they are rich in magnesium, vitamin B6 and protein, all beneficial for better rest. Consuming an ounce or two of pistachios before bed can promote an optimal night's sleep.


Along with exercise and good nutrition, sleep is a key pillar of health. By optimizing sleep, you can prioritize your well-being and increase your level of satisfaction with life.




*Editor's note: The information in this article is intended for educational use only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and before undertaking any diet, supplement, fitness or other health programs.